Hot Stone
Hot stones are used to relax the muscles and bring more circulation to the area, and to go deeper into the soft tissue with more ease. Many clients love the use of stones in combination with deep work for their tight, stressed backs and necks, which is where they are usually used. Often clients like to hold them in their hands or feel the weight of them on their body, warming and relaxing the tissue while I massage somewhere else at the same time.
The stones are never heated beyond what I can hold with my bare hands and I have cold water to cool them further for more sensitive skin. AND, as always, if a client decides at any time that she/he doesn’t like anything I am doing, I will stop immediately. Feedback is essential to your massage being therapeutic and enjoyable!
These stones are also grounding and relaxing because of their composition and weight (Some of mine are larger than commonly used.) And they are also grounding perhaps due to their age! A geologist told my stone source that they were formed with the volcanic activity that split the continent of North America from Europe (Laurasia at the time), some 65-150 million years ago!! Wow – a little perspective on our short time in this body!